I Haven't Told You About


My first academic job

A challenging but rewarding year of teaching

Moving Marmalade to the UK

Me and Drew getting married in my Mum's backyard

My sister's two boys, who I adore

Drew starting his MBA

My coming interview for a permanent post

And the trials and tribulations of the job search


My fears about academic careers

Namely, that I'm not good at this job

(but you're doing it)

That I am worried that I don't know how to write anymore

That I haven't done anything creative for a long while

And, I think that might be killing me a little

That I worry a lot about my work not being good enough

(for what? for whom?)

That I feel a lot of pressure to write a book about something

(from where?)

That sometimes I wonder if I'll run out of ideas

And sometimes it feels like I've forgotten how to do this work


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